Friday, May 28, 2010

The Language of Sand

It's that time again-- time for us to check-in with another one of our lovely and talented clients! This week we spoke to Brett Ellen Block, a young author who first came our way when her 2nd novel, The Lightning Rule, was prepping for publication, and she was in need of some stellar publicity shots. These days her latest novel, The Language of Sand, has hit bookstores and it's raking in rave reviews (check out Random House Readers' Circle Picks or Target's Breakout Books). We thought it was about time we checked in with Brett to hear more about her experiences shooting with Kelsey and to get a sneak peak of The Language of Sand, a story about life, death, grief and ghosts set on a secluded island on North Carolina's Outer Banks.

KEP: Hi Brett! Thanks so much for taking the time to talk to us about The Language of Sand. We've got so many questions, but first off, tell us how you first heard about Kelsey?

BEB: I knew I wanted a really evocative picture for this new book, so I asked some friends in the entertainment industry who they trusted to take their amazing head shots. Turns out the name to know is Kelsey Edwards! I’m thrilled I was referred to her.

KEP: What made you choose her over other photographers?

BEB: It’s not that I didn’t like my old author photo, but I was going for a different look, a different feel. After hearing the recommendations and seeing Kelsey’s work on her site, I knew she was the right photographer for me.

KEP: What went into the shot selection for The Lightning Rule and Language of Sand, how did you pick the image that you felt best represented you?

BEB: Kelsey really knew how to make me feel relaxed in order to get the right shot. I’m an author and would rather be in front of a computer writing than a camera! She had a calming demeanor and completely understood the look I was going for. Better yet, I wound up with a couple of images to use for alternate purposes, one for the book jacket, a slightly different option for my website, etc.. That was great!

KEP: Now, onto the book. How did you get the idea for The Language of Sand?

BEB: I was inspired by an island I’d visited in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. The setting was charming and beautiful during the tourist season but I got the distinct sense that it was totally different once we out-of-towners would decamp. That got me thinking about the various sides of human nature, the public versus the private, and soon the characters and the plot evolved from there!

KEP: Abigail is such a real character, is she based on someone you know or personal experiences you've had? Do you know anyone who, like Abigail, is a Lexicographer (a person who authors and compiles dictionaries)?

BEB: Like most authors, my characters have a heaping dose of me in them, but Abigail especially. I’ll admit it – I enjoy reading the dictionary and while I don’t foresee a career in lexicography in my future, I think she and I share a true love of language. She talks to herself, which I do. Is a bit of a stickler, as am I. And likes to renovate and decorate, a passion I have too. But fortunately, I haven’t faced the losses she has. Nor have I lived in a supposedly haunted house. Luckily, that’s where Abigail and I are different. ;)

KEP: The book's chapters all begin with definitions of some very interesting but unfamiliar words. There are 26 chapters in all, one for each letter of the alphabet! What gave you the idea to use this chapter construction?

BEB: Dictionary junkie that I am, I couldn’t resist brandishing some of the wildly esoteric words I’d come across in recent years and I thought what better way to introduce the theme of each chapter while splitting the book into manageable sections!

KEP: We've heard the book is getting a lot of buzz, can you tell us more about that?

BEB: The positive feedback from reviewers and readers alike has been such a pleasant outcome. It’s easy for an author to be proud of their own novel, but to hear others talk about the impact the book has had on them makes all those hours of writing and editing even more worthwhile!

KEP: If our clients want to know more about you or the book, where can they go online?

BEB: To learn more about “The Language of Sand,” download book club questions and view the book trailer, please visit my website,

KEP: Thanks so much for taking the time to talk to us Brett! We can't wait for the sequel! Oh yeah, and on that note, when can we expect it? ;)

BEB: I just got word from the publisher that the sequel to “The Language of Sand” will be released in the summer of 2011, just in time to see how Abigail deals with the Fourth of July on the island. Fireworks here we come!

Awesome! What a great read to bring to the beach on a hot, summer day. And to any of our blog readers who want to pick up their own copy of The Language of Sand, don't forget to look for it under Brett's nom de plume, Ellen Block. You can also find her earlier novels published under Brett Ellen Block. These include The Grave of God's Daughter (okay...I LOVE THIS BOOK) and The Lightning Rule (if you are a fan of stories set during times of historical upheaval with pulsing plots, this one's for you). Thanks again Brett!

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