Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Fate and the Fabulous Fabiola

If you've been enjoying any Primetime TV lately (Olympics anyone??), you've probably noticed the Verizon Palm Pre Plus commercial campaign featuring different lovely moms from eras gone by. You know...the nifty 50's mom with the chocolates and (our personal favorite) the stellar 80's mom with the post-its.

That lovely lady handling the sticky notes is our very own client, the fabulous Fabiola Cayemitte. Ms. Cayemitte was kind enough to take some time out of her busy auditioning schedule to answer a few questions about her shoot with Kelsey.

...But before we get to the interview, let's talk about how Kelsey and Fabiola first met.

It all started a while back at a local LA cafe, where Kelsey was having lunch with a friend. Kelsey's young daughter, Siara, was also dining and our favorite little lady was heartbroken when she discovered that the menu included no macaroni and cheese! A mac n' cheese meltdown seemed imminent until a charming waitress came to the rescue and went out of her way to keep both Siara and Kelsey very happy. Over a year later, a twist of fate would bring that waitress- Fabiola- through Catchlight Studio's doors looking for headshots. After recognizing each other, Kelsey and Ms. Cayemitte quickly scheduled a shoot and the rest is history.

Now, on to the interview!

KES: Thanks for answering our questions, Fabiola! Let's start at the beginning. How did you find your way to Kelsey??

FC: I'd met Kelsey incidentally prior to our shoot when I served her and her daughter at my restaurant. A year later I came across these photos of this gorgeous actor and decided to look him up on IMDB and made an appointment with Kelsey. It was then at our first meeting I felt we had met. It took us some time, but her daughter had left such a sweet impression that I remembered serving them a year prior.

KES: Have you shot with other photographers? What was your experience in comparison to your shoot with Kelsey?

FC: I find myself to be a very attractive woman; however, all the photographers I've shot with in the past some of which included high end magazine photographers never captured my real beauty. I'd walk into auditions and the casting directors would look at these recent photos and comment that I looked better in person. And I'd have to wait months to be able to afford to re-shoot. This just seemed to be an endless cycle.

I explained all my frustrations about my past experiences to Kelsey. What I most admired is that not only did she 'listen' intently to my needs I notice she never made me any false promises. She focused on who I was as an individual and what kind of person I was portraying to the world as an artist and that would in turn be our goal. And guess what? She gave me exactly what I wanted and more. It took me hours to narrow down the perfect shot as she gave me too many options.

KES: What were your impressions of Catchlight Studio's staff?

FC: Kelsey and her team were extremely professional. But most importantly they were very warm. I felt like I was at home with friends I had known for years. The studio itself is inviting which enabled me to let my hair down and leave my inhibitions at the door. Which in turn exuded my essence and gave me some amazing pictures.

KES: How have your headshots affected your career?

FC: And so it began ~ the calls from casting directors, theatrically and commercially. For years I kept thinking I had a bad agent or I didn't have enough credits. Who knew it was not having the 'right' picture that would just get you in the door. Casting directors stopped doing the double takes from the shots to my face but rather ask who shot the photos. And what's so refreshing is that I know I won't have to retake the pictures for many years to come. Because of Kelsey I was called in for a Verizon National commercial which I booked with one of the biggest Ad Agency's in NYC. I'm so grateful because I realize had I not had the perfect shot that got me in the door to begin with, I would not have had the opportunity to even audition. This was a great investment, I can't thank Kelsey enough for her part in making me a bankable actress.

KES: Thanks Fabiola! We look forward to seeing a lot more of you- both in the studio and on the screen!

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